For a lot of people, myself included, the past few weeks have been crazy. Which is probably the reason why I haven’t been posting as much as I should. With school being moved online, my mystery illness (probably the flu), and general panic about the pandemic, it’s been hard to focus on music and songwriting.

Quote from “The Good Place” picture created by Yeekonline on Redbubble.
Songwriting, I have come to realize, is incredibly difficult and very vulnerable. Personally, I believe that the best songs tell a story. Which is why I want to tell a story with my song, a love story.
As I posted in my last blog, I want these lines to act as a chorus, “Together they lived, together they died, together they departed this life. They say that death is the crown of life. But this is the story of how they died.” Yes, I’m aware that I am rhyming the same words but, who cares?
I’d like there to be a circular narrative in the story, starting and ending with the idea of the permanence of death. Starting with a graveyard, the graveyard I went to visit. On a sunny day, with no other sounds but birds.
Birds, the only sound.
Sun creeping through trees and clouds.
People dead, tucked safe in the ground.
There’s no way they’re coming back now.
The rainy day dampened the mood,
But still, the girl began to swoon.
She knew that they’d meet again soon,
She didn’t know that the world was cruel.
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